Step 1: Log into the Outlook Web Application (OWA)
Sign in with your NorthStar email address and password
If you are not automatically brought to your Outlook inbox, click the Outlook icon on the left side of the screen
Step 2: Click the Settings icon
- Located in the top-right corner of the screen
Step 3: Manage the Block or Allow list
- Click on Mail, Junk Email then Blocked Senders and Domains or Allowed Senders Domains
- Use the + Add and delete (trash can icon) under each respective section to add or remove email addresses to either the Blocked senders and domains or Safe senders and domains lists:
- Addresses under the Blocked senders and domains list will bypass your inbox and quarantine filter. Use this for unwanted, spam, or phishing messages
- Addresses under the Safe senders and domains list will bypass the quarantine filter and will be delivered directly into your inbox. Use this if you suspect the quarantine filter is quarantining genuine messages